
Primary 5 student

Surfing the internet without any purpose
*But luckily find an essay from a Primary School :

A Dive-sub Trip

          When I was taking photos, I saw a monster. Its eyes are big. Its nose is big. Its mouth is big. It has no body. Its face is big. Its hand is small. It was scary and ugly. It knocked on the dive-sub door because it was bored and wanted to go inside. I prayed that the monster would not come. My friend also prayed. In the end, I and my friend thought we would die, but Jesus helped us to go up to the sea surface. I and my friend were very happy.

By Sin Long Sang

Written by a Primary 5 student ... 10 years old
I really want to meet him (I guess he is a boy)
Blog "SINg a LONG S@NG" post an essay written by Sin Long Sang
What a funny thing! XD

* Ref: http://www.htsps.edu.hk/Web/05_stuPlace/lang-eng/0708/2nd_5B24.htm

