
What are you doing today?

Yesterday was Friday
Tomorrow is Sunday
I don't know what day today
Just don't need to work today
Now it is Eleven O'clock
Just woke up two hours before
Cannot fall asleep anymore
Later go out to take a walk
I'm gonna be crazy
I don't know what happen
I am forgotten and don't want to remember
Everything just pass me by
Can't catch things belongs to mine
Let me lie down and die
This is my weekends life

Crying Wall

I want to cry again
How weak I am
Just to express the feeling
In this crying wall
Divided people into two
Happiness or Sadness
Winner or Loser
Pretty sure I am the latter
On the way to home
Look up at the sky
Just want to leave immediately
Day after the day
Only worse, no better
I just can only cry in here
Dry after wet again on this wall