
Pity me, let me rest in peace

你曾經問我有幾愛你, 我冇答到你lee個問題
而家, 我知我有幾愛你了
因為我有幾愛你, 我現在就有多痛
因為我愛到你死, 所以我現在痛得要死
因為怕痛, 所以我逃避, 所以我想死

如果有方法, 請讓我靜靜的死去吧
夜已深睡不了, 睡醒來卻更痛
不想再瘦下去, 但又沒有胃口
當一空閒就想到你, 當一看到些什麼就想到你
難度要我痛到沒感覺嗎? 要我對所有事麻目嗎?
不要這樣折磨我, 好嗎?

Nothing worse than
you are tired, you close your eyes, but can't sleep
you are hungry, you want to eat, but throw up what you ate
you love her, you want to marry her, but she loves another one

If god exists, please pity me, let me rest in peace