
Two Choose One

Today is 4th of September, it's a little bit special for me
2 more months later I will go to Australia for 1 year working holiday trip
I specially create a blog call "Cheung Chau Boy" to write and record down for this trip
However I just wondering is it good to use "SINg a LONG S@NG" to record down the trip
The reason why I open 2 blogs because for the blog: "SINg a LONG S@NG" I use to write or express my feeling, emotion, mood...etc. Mostly are something sad.
For the blog: "Cheung Chau Boy" I create it really for the trip, but after the trip end it also means the blog end...

Use the blog: "SINg a LONG S@NG" to record 1 year Australia trip
or use the new blog "Cheung Chau Boy"?

Still thinking......

7 則留言:

  1. i support singalongsang!!!
    singalongsang is you, cheung chau boy is you too
    and leaving this blog to abandon for a year , it's a bit waste!

    I guess your main concern is the style of the blog will be changing a lot during the year of Aus if you continue to use this, however, I think that you should let all the reader know your changes, no matter it's happy or sad...or anything...

    I will continuse to use my blog, my reason is rather simple, I am not able to manage to maintain two blogs..hahaha

  2. Create a blog is something like born a baby...
    that's why I won't create my own website because I'm not ready to born my own "website"
    haha...you are right, maintain is difficult
    SINgaLONGS@NG vs Cheung-Chau-Boy
    =_=....I want to choose SINgaLONGS@NG

  3. keep wiTh youR originaL idea
    post on both==yoU caN dO iT!
    singalongsang = for personal thoughts
    cheung chau boy =for documenting the trip
    jusT change for either type//
    (maybe noT necessariLy boTh eVery daY)
    GooD LucK

  4. To 匿名:
    Thanks for your idea and support
    both of you are right
    Self struggling...

  5. To Ahemz Inc:
    Thanks to invite me to join your "celebrity programme"
    can you explain more details about the program?

  6. katheryung thanks your support.
    I'm so embarrassed to say SINgaLONGS@NG always need your support :)
